To make building core Joomla 5 websites easier for everyone.

What originally started as a basic core Joomla 5 showcase has morphed into a powerful tool to help uncover the mystery of building a new template or simply modifying an existing one.

What's Next?

Navigating The Site

Whether you are wanting to learn how to customize your template for the first time, or a custom extension builder, you will find multiple layers of creativity in using everything from language strings, custom fields, article and category page layouts that utilize category custom fields to control the page container to controlling whether a module display on both the category and article page, or one or another.

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Something For Everyone

Whether you are wanting to learn how to customize your template for the first time, or a custom extension builder, you will find multiple layers of creativity in using everything from language strings, custom fields, article and category page layouts that utilize category custom fields to control the page container to controlling whether a module display on both the category and article page, or one or another.

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Uses Articles,Categories, and Contacts

This test site is built using articles, categories, and contacts (with the caveat that the resources page uses the Weblinks Component that used to be a core extension and now can be installed at the user's desire.). Using powerful custom fields such as the sql custom field and the subform fieldtypes, we are able to display the website content exactly as this free Bootstrap 5 template intended without having to install a single extension to do the job.

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Dedicated to quality and your success.